The Best Tool in a Golfer's Bag - The Divot Tool
Ah, the golf divot tool. It may not be flashy or high-tech, but it’s one of the most important tools in a golfer’s bag. After all, no golfer wants to hit a beautiful shot, only to have it marred by an ugly divot! Let’s take a brief look at what a divot is and how to use the handy little tool that helps keep our golf courses looking their best.
What is a Divot?
A divot is a piece of turf (grass and dirt) that is displaced when a golfer hits the ball with his or her club. This can happen when hitting from the tee box, fairway, rough or even from the sand trap. It's important for golfers to replace/repair these divots after playing each hole so that they don't cause damage to the course over time. That's where the divot tool comes in!
How Do I Use A Divot Tool?
Using the divot tool is simple. Find your ball mark and notice where the green is slightly raised. You’ll insert the prongs into the raised edge at a 45 degree angle. It is super important that you not insert the divot tool into the area that the ball has pushed down. This might cause further damage to the the green.
Next is to move the divot tool along the edge of the ball mark pushing towards the pushed down area. Simply hold the divot tool into the ground and work around the sides of the mark. This will fill in the indentation left by the golf ball. Don't make the mistake of trying to pull the indentation out of the ground to even it out. That will only make it worse!
Make sure not to pull up on the tool because then you risk tearing up and damaging the grass roots.
After you’ve repaired the divot you'll want to lightly tap down the green with your putter head where the mark. Done! Repaired and you've done your part to help keep your local course in tip top shape!
A golf divot tool isn’t glamorous but it’s an essential item for any serious golfer who wants their local course looking its best every time they play. So next time you head out for 18 holes – don’t forget your trusty divot tool! Happy Golfing!